1-on-1 Coaching

While coaching sessions are primarily conducted virtually, I prioritize creating a strong sense of physical presence. I expect my clients to bring the same level of engagement.

Preparation is essential, and being coachable is key. If you are ready, willing, and capable of putting in the effort needed to achieve your goals, I am here to support you.

You are an individual with unique needs.

Wellness coaching is most effective when it avoids a one-size-fits-all approach. Achieving radical transformation necessitates an adaptable coach who can respond to your unique needs and circumstances. This journey requires a personalized strategy—a tailored method designed specifically for you—and a prescriptive plan that aligns with your individual goals and challenges.


  • Four 60-minute coaching sessions per month. 
  • Two energy 30-minute energy reading and clearing sessions per month. 
  • Daily motivational reminders and prompts  sent via text or email.
  • Full access to my Substack publications, featuring newsletters and essays containing practical cognitive hacks, neuropsychological research & beahvioral health resources, 
  • Access to virtual groups & chats  via social media channels.
  • Access to upcoming 6-week online course TBA, with weekly webinars & downloads.. 



  • Two 60-minute coaching sessions per month.
  • One 30-minute energy reading and clearing session per month
  • Daily motivational reminders & prompts sent via text or email.
  • Access to virtual groups & chats via social media channels.
  • Access to upcoming 6-week online course TBA, with weekly webinars & downloads..



  • One 60-minute coaching session per month. 
  • One 15-minute guided meditation session per month.
  • Weekly motivational reminders & prompts sent via text or email.
  • Access to virtual groups & chats via social media channels.


The recommended duration for our transformational coaching model is 6-months..

All programs require a commitment of at least 3-months.

Zero down payment financing options available for 3-6 month programs. Scholarship and grants offered to those in need. Inquire below!

The pricing structure above is a reference point; this isn't a retail store.

As you can see, we accommodate varying healing-path trajectories, as well as budgets big & small.

All 1-on-1 Coaching packages are 100% customizable!

If none of the above packages seems ideal for YOU,  please reach out and tell me what does!

What have you got to lose?

The first step to freedom is a click away...

Coaching sessions are also available a la carte (15-minute consultation required prior to booking) at a rate of $199/hour

You began investing in your future with the awareness that led you here.

The first step is often the most challenging part of the healing journey; 

It's quite the leap—a quantum jump!

Relax your shoulders. Exhale. 

Let go of fear and step into the flow. I have your back.